Yoga During Pregnancy

Tabletop Utah Prenatal Yoga
Tabletop Utah Prenatal Yoga

Yoga During Pregnancy


A quick guide of prenatal modifications for smart practice in yoga classes. Digital PDF download*

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Over the last decade of teaching prenatal yoga, I’ve been asked many times for a “quick guide” or a “reminder list” by students that want to continue taking regular classes as well as prenatal classes, or practice at home in between prenatal classes. They know there are some things to avoid or modify, they just can’t remember what to do instead. Here’s the super-simple quick guide!

This guide is in no way a complete explanation of why to avoid or modify poses, it’s simply a quick guide to help you remember your options during traditional classes. Don’t rely on the (non-prenatal) teacher to know how to help you. Know your options and set your own boundaries. You got this!