So glad you're here! Utah Prenatal Yoga was founded with the vision that expecting parents all over Utah would have access to great prenatal yoga classes. Along the way we realized that POSTNATAL yoga was an extremely important offering that was much needed. And over the years our family has grown with a MomStrong! community of friends that still practice together through parenthood.

Alicia Poldino founded Utah Prenatal Yoga in order to offer more support for people doing yoga in pregnancy and after birth. In addition to teaching students, she is building a thriving community of prenatal and postnatal yoga teachers. The Teacher Training graduates will nurture people all over the US and the UK during the birth years, creating more opportunities for healing, community and growth for new parents and families. This Registered Prenatal Yoga School has recently expanded into TRINATAL YOGA SCHOOL

About Alicia Poldino, Founder, Utah Prenatal Yoga


Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (ERYT-500)

Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT)

Continuing Education Provider (YACEP)

Certified Anusara Teacher (inactive)

Certified Postnatal Yoga Teacher

Founder and Lead Instructor: Trinatal Yoga School, 

Registered Prenatal Yoga School (RPYS)

Additional Education and Training:

Anatomy in Motion/Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation 

Pelvic Floor Yoga

Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss

Supporting Survivors of Abuse

Postpartum Doula

Birth Doula 

In The Arena:

20+ years of yoga practice

10+ years of teaching yoga 

8+ years training prenatal and postnatal yoga teachers          

1 belly birth (cesarean)

1 HBAC (home birth after cesarean)

I will…

Respect your needs, questions, safety, dreams, hopes, choices, fears and experiences

Provide a class that is based on current evidence for efficacy and safety

Teach an authentic yoga class that honors all 8 limbs and the history of yoga

Refer you to any professional that is better suited or more qualified to assist you with specific needs

Offer a practice, a space and a community where you feel seen and supported

Inform you about the options available to prepare for birth, during birth and in recovery 

I will not…

Promise you that yoga will solve all of your problems or guarantee an easy birth or recovery

Guarantee that you’ll like my classes or vibe with me (I hope you do though!)

Place any judgement on your birth choices or how you choose to engage in the practice

How I ended up here…
Yoga provided a powerful and peaceful respite during my adventure into motherhood. Taking time for a yoga class that I loved helped me stay steady and focused on the big picture. I started teaching prenatal yoga when I was expecting my second son because I was inspired by how yoga had played such an important role in my transition through motherhood and pregnancy. I wanted to create a dedicated space for expecting people to fully connect with the physical and emotional changes that take place during the birth years. My wish is that everybody can find a place that offers support and preparation, an intentional time to connect with strength and intuition while navigating the experience of birth.

I took my first yoga class in 1998 and I have explored and enjoyed various styles of yoga in the years since then. Over time I morphed into a mom and a yoga teacher. My yoga classes incorporate my formal training in Anusara ® (alignment-based hatha) with my appreciation for many other styles of asana and an emphasis on honoring the traditions and philosophy of the yoga practice. Finding the humor in having babies is essential to my sanity, and I sincerely believe that a consistent yoga practice can improve the experience of pregnancy, birthing, and parenting. You can expect a well-rounded and (safe!) practice as well as ample relaxation in my prenatal and postnatal classes.

I’ve been privileged to have many amazing teachers, and I am grateful to every one of them. I am honored to have witnessed so many beautiful humans embrace the fullness of the birth transformation. Most of all I am thankful for the support of my family– I love you bigger than the universe.

I acknowledge that the land on which I live, teach studio classes and conduct virtual trainings from, is the occupied/unceded/seized territory of the Ute (Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱), Goshute , and Eastern Shoshone People.

We support local efforts to increase awareness and funding for the MMIW program (Missing, Murdered Indigenous Women+) and for the Urban Indian Center. Please consider learning more and donating to these programs

make a donation to MMIW+Pandos Utah

make a donation to the Utah Urban Indian Center